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Chiropractic Care

My approach to health and well-being is based upon the principle that we are born to be well and our bodies are designed to be self-healing and self-regulating. Dr. Fisk

Traditional chiropractic and healing approaches are blended into gentle and effective ways to increase brain function, reduce body stress, align the spine and to expand well-being physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

There are five measurable and reliable outcomes of care in our office:

  • Improvements in physical well-being
  • Improvements in emotional and mental well-being
  • Improved responses to stress
  • Improved life enjoyment
  • Improved overall quality of life

The foundation of care is focused on developing strategies to raise one’s performance and stress-busting capacities. Care plans are dependent on each person’s circumstances and what needs to be done to meet their particular health and well-being goals.

Corrective Chiropractic

Corrective Care Chiropractic is a completely different approach to achieving and maintaining optimal health. A true Corrective Care Chiropractor in Santa Fe will evaluate the Central Nervous System (CNS) and spinal function. The Chiropractic Corrective Care doctor evaluates the person for not only trauma and pathology but more importantly for overall function. Since our CNS controls every single one of our cells, tissues, and organs we need it to function as close to 100% as possible.

When we see a patient for the first time at our clinic we always let them know there are two basic forms of chiropractic care. One being relief care, which is pain control, and the other is corrective care, which works on the underlying structural abnormalities and stress response (that are causing the pain) to make a more permanent change. It re-patterns the nervous system to produce a new, healthier functioning system and a new, more stable structure; kind of like spinal orthodontics.

Read More About Corrective Chiropractic »

Although all Chiropractors are able to give relief care, the Corrective Care doctor and staff at our office will search for the true cause of any health condition and design a specific plan of action for each patient. The Corrective Care adjustment and alignment process, similar to what an Orthodontist does to teeth to correct their alignment, in time can often correct the spinal alignment.Thus stopping, or at least, slowing down the degenerative decay in the spine. This often requires a number of visits over a period of time. However, it will not require bracing the spine but instead giving very specific, gentle Chiropractic adjustments to slow down the degeneration at the spinal level and improve nerve function.

Corrective Care Chiropractic can aid in building a healthy body, a more adaptable response to stress and healthier immune system by slowing down mechanical decay in the spine and helping the patient to function at an optimal level to maximize their overall health and quality of life.

Integrative Chiropractic Chiropractor Dr. Peter Fisk adjusting patient

Our NetworkSpinal Expert

Dr. Fisk is certified at the highest level in NetworkSpinal. He has been an instructor in this technique for decades. With this method, there is no twisting, popping or cracking. Instead, we want to help your body learn how to be in alignment using a low-force instrument.

The care we provide has pain relief as part of the process. The aim, however, is to support the healing of your body so that you don’t need a chiropractor forever, but it can stay in alignment by itself.

Cranial Work to Connect It All

As part of your care, Dr. Fisk may also use cranial work. It concentrates on the two ends of the spine in your low back and neck. This approach is complementary to NetworkSpinal. Together, they ensure that your entire nervous system is communicating well and that your body has optimal alignment.

Same-Day Visits

You can get in right away to see Dr. Fisk. Contact Integrative Chiropractic today to schedule your appointment and experience the benefits of chiropractic!


Chiropractic Care | (505) 954-1024